Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Artist Trading Card

This year I am part of the Sewing Buddy Project over at Whip-Stitch .com . The February challenge is to create an Artist Trading Card. I thought this to be the perfect opportunity to dive into my scrap totes and trim drawers. Needing very little fabric for this project I knew I could find what I needed.  I had no idea what to make and was hoping to get a little inspiration while wading elbow deep in fabric off-cuts, Lucky for me I found a scrap of my all time favourite fabric.,an Asian brocade of red with black cherry blossoms. Add a little ribbon, "rhinestone" trim,some silver taffeta and black satin and I'm into crafting mode.
 Materials Gathered


I have to say I'm pretty happy with how it turned out and I think it represents me as an artist. I also used up a little more of my scrap fabric. Mission accomplished!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Owning a custom clothing and alterations business, Threads by Chantel has left me with a metric tonne of scrap fabric. Normally a person would toss all the off cuts but I always think , “there must be something I can do with this”, and into the tote it goes. Well, 4 years and 3 totes later its time to use all the excess fabric I have saved. My shop is busting at the seams and in the spirit of the New Year I thought a new project would inspire me.
I have also been hanging onto old shirts, skirts, dresses and pants with grand plans of pulling them apart and making into something else, which leads me into 2014's first scrap project.

I have had this pair of flannel pajamas for a long time and they are now too big. I figured I had enough fabric to make a nightgown for my daughter who is 1 and a half.

That makes one less thing in the tote and cute nightie for my little one to wear.